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Get real-time user feedback

Whether campaigns, site pages, or product features, Feedback lets you hear directly from users at every step of their journey.

Das beste Feedback gewinnst du im echten Leben. Höre also von deinen Nutzenden, wie sie deine Website erleben.

Over 6.6 million users have shared their opinions using Feedback

Try Feedback

See the red feedback button on the right hand of the page or the embedded one below? That’s Feedback!

Improve your site with Feedback

Be a user advocate. Over 6.6 million users across 180+ countries have shared their opinions using Feedback. It’s free, forever.

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Unlimited feedback widgets on paid plans

Store feedback forever

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DSGVO- und CCPA-konform

Vier Extratools. Alle kostenlos.

Feedback allein ist hilfreich – aber noch viel aussagekräftiger mit diesen Tools.

Here's how others use Feedback

“With Feedback on the signup page, we spotted bugs we’d never seen before. Suddenly we found users who couldn’t sign up and solved the problem fast.”
Luke Calton
Spots and solves bugs every week
“We love Hotjar’s Feedback because it gives us instant feedback from our users. It doesn’t interrupt the checkout flow, and allows us to fully understand the experience in real-time.”
Noelle Smith
Improved the conversion rate
“Feedback allows us to capture customer sentiment incredibly easily helping us really understand our users.”
Brett Orr
Captured feedback from 7 million users
“After looking at feedback we got a good idea of what our users wanted and moved from around 80K members to now over 150k. Hotjar was a big piece of that redesign.”
Sam Mallikarjunan
Generated +70,000 signups
“Without Hotjar we would still be making decisions based on gut instinct instead of qualitative user feedback.”
Karl Rowlands
+17% increase in winning A/B tests

Improve your site with Feedback

Be a user advocate. Over 6.6 million users across 180+ countries have shared their opinions using Feedback. It’s free, forever.

Keine Kreditkarte erforderlich

Unlimited feedback widgets on paid plans

Store feedback forever

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DSGVO- und CCPA-konform